

There seems to be lots of talk about selfies being the hallmark of narcissistic personality these days. LOL  Whatever.  Isn’t our entire online social media experiment a “selfie” of sorts?  Every thing we engage in, discuss, post, offers a glimpse into our minds and our senses (or lack) of humor, our current mood, our belief systems.   I’m standing with my girls, the sassy and confident Lady Deidre HufflePillowFightStarter  and the ever scientific and thoughtful Di Cleverly  on this one.
Why?  I love yo’ faces!!!  We visually connect with each other when we can read faces without reading too much into it.
Great Hair Day? Take a selfie!
Feeling reflective? Selfie Time!
Road Tripping? Car Selfie!
Poogle Break? Poogle Selfie!
With friends and loved ones? Group Selfie Time!!!

As Gracie, the blogger from “Girl Meets Life” puts it:
The act of dissing other people in any capacity is worse than the selfies themselves, in my opinion. I’d rather not take myself so seriously and post selfies than become pompous about something so frivolous.
I get it – social media has revealed a lot about society and culture that isn’t so pretty – the whole issue of narcissism probably being the main thing. But at the same time, this is the world we live in today. Instead of allowing it to affect us negatively, I think we should embrace social media as an opportunity to all have a voice and a story to share, and encourage each other in that.

So do me a favor – go ahead and find your angle,  TAKE THAT SELFIE, use your filters, and have some fun!