“The violence, the hate, the looting and burning that spread across this nation after Dr. King’s death is something…

“The violence, the hate, the looting and burning that spread across this nation after Dr. King’s death is something Dr King would have deplored just has he had deplored the violence that brought death to civil rights workers Medgar Evers, Viola Liuzzo, Michael Schwerner, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, the Reverend James Reeb, Jimmie Lee Jackson and a host of others whose lives were snuffed out because they believed that all men are created equal.”

“If this violence on both sides continues then the death of Dr. King will have been in vain. If white against black, nation against nation, class against class is to be the way of the world in the future, as it too often has been in the past, then Dr. King is the lucky one. He will have to see and suffer it no longer. We who are left will be the ones who live in tragedy.
The Prince of Peace is dead. It is up to the millions who still live to see that his dream is brought to pass.”